Good evening, Brothers,
Our February meeting was held on Monday, February 3rd with 31 members present. At 7 pm, Amy Jungers from Gehlen Schools spoke to us about donating to the senior tool kit once again and also thanked us for our donation to the Gehlen Ball. She then told us about the potential of a capital campaign for an addition or other improvements to the school grounds. If you receive a survey in the near future, please fill it out. The following business was discussed: Old business: Open officer positions, Grand Knight & Anchor/Columbus club treasurer. Is it your time to serve. The election of officers is in a few months, & I will be done as Grand Knight. Please reach out if you have questions on the open officer positions. Knight of the Month for December was Trevor Morris. KC Stag recap. 173 tickets were sold. Final number will be available at next month’s meeting. Thanks to Mark Nuebel & Rick Kneip for putting on a great night. Also, to Eric Mitchell & Dave Hill for the great meal. And to all those who helped deal or work in the kitchen. It was a record year for money raised. A big thank you to our sponsors and for all those who donated to the new raffle. KC Free throw contest, thanks to Bryan Paulson & Brandon Schaecher for running this event. 35 kids showed up to shoot, next round on Feb 16 in Hawarden. We will host the regional shoot on March 2nd. Le Mars Back Pack Packing event will be May 19 at 5PM. 2025 Dues notices were sent out with stag tickets. Thank you to Otto for stuffing all the envelopes. If you have not sent in your dues yet, please do so soon. 2nd notices will be sent out at the end of the month. New Business: January Knight of the Month nomination is Otto Wilczek. He was nominated by Mark Nuebel and he said Otto has made many contributions in his new role as Financial Secretary. He really helped by preparing the stag letter & dues notices. He is managing all the dues that are being mailed in and is participating in webinars to quickly get up to speed on his duties and responsibilities as FS. Additionally, Otto has been more than willing to assist with collecting money at events and feeds. He consistently goes above and beyond to support our organization. Sleep in Heavenly Peace, John Peters, Eric Mitchell & Bruce Kellen attended training 2 weeks ago to learn more about the organization. We will be hosting a mega bed build on Feb 21-22 at Total Motors. Go to to sign up if you want to help. Motion was made & 2nd to donate $2500 to this bed build, motion carried. Trivia night will be held on Friday Feb 28. $25 per person with meal provided. Sign up with Mark Nuebel in teams of 8. Fish Fries will be starting soon beginning on Ash Wednesday. Eric Mitchell looking for a few men to help clean broasters after the events. Please contact him or John if you would like to volunteer. Motion was made and 2nd to donate $100 to LCHS & Gehlen After Prom, Gayle Sitzman threw in an additional $50 per school, motion carried. Motion was made & 2nd to donate funds for the senior tool kits, motion carried. Motion was made & 2nd to raise our donation to the Friends of Gehlen Ball to $5000 since we haven’t increased it in quite a few years, motion carried. 2025 State convention is coming April 4-6 in Dubuque. Need a couple of delegates, if interested, contact John. Onawa Council #6249 requested donations to purchase a new ultrasound machine for Her Health in Sioux City. It’s part of the Ultrasound initiative that if a council raises half the funds, Supreme will donate the other half. The goal is to raise $29,000, which is half the cost, to date they have raised $12,000. Motion was made & 2nd to donate $2500 to this worthy cause. Motion carried. 4th Degree Report, as discussed at the last 4th degree meeting, the assembly will refund any member that purchases the new regalia $250 to help with that expense. The hope here is that more members help at honor guards if they have the correct dress. 5 Members so far have ordered. 4th degree Exemplification on Friday April 4th in Dubuque, before the State Convention. Communications: Thank you letter was read from Fr Doug for the Christmas gift. Treasurers’ report: Cash on hand Dec 31, $10,683. Jan 31 $17,634. We also have $45,000 in CD’s between Fraternal & Columbus. Columbus Club: Hood in kitchen was cleaned, need to clean tables & chairs looking at Saturday Feb 15. Need 6-8 guys to haul the chairs to total motors and wash them, contact Eric Mitchell if you can help. The dishwasher has been rebuilt and there are no more leaks. Still need to replace all 3 toilets in the bathrooms. Thanks to Jarred Morris & his father-in-law Darrin Minar for building the new Black Jack tables for the stag. Anchor Club: Purchased a trailer to mount a refrigerated box on for off-site bar events. Total Motors donated the cost for half of the box and Brad Jochum donated the other half. Brad then mounted the box on the car trailer and donated $1000 towards the bill. Please thank Scott or Dave @ Total Motors & Brad if you see them. The trailer will be available to rent. The Anchor Club will decide on the charges and handle the rentals. Under good of the order, Steve Kolker, Dave Schipper, Bruce Ludwig, Linda Nilles & Mike Becker. Drawings, big loser & winner was Steve Wick. Meal Drawing, Mike Driscoll, he was not present, and the pot will grow next month. Next meeting, March 3. Fraternally yours, John Peters Grand Knight 712-540-7770 [email protected] |
I trust this is not too late. Way to go, Brother Knights! The Chamber of Commerce bestowal of this year’s Impact Award on our Council is well deserved, and the reasons for it are well attested in the January 21 Sentinel. Thanks for your generous and hard work on so many projects that help so many! I recently paid a property insurance bill, and got to thinking about all those suffering from California wildfires, East Coast hurricanes, floods here there and everywhere, etc. Lives lost, homes destroyed, property lost! Some had insurance, which will help; many did not. These events remind us of the uncertainties of life, that disasters and accidents happen. Ultimately, no matter how well we try to prepare for our physical and material survival and protect ourselves, life is something of a crapshoot. In spite of all the material protections we can use to confront disaster, we still need better insurance. So we best call to mind the advice of Jesus: Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and buffeted the house. But it did not collapse; it had been set solidly on rock. As men of Faith, let us continue to strive to build our lives on the Rock of Faith, so that even in the storms of life, be they physical or spiritual, we are not lost. Fr Bruce |